Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our Sixth Year

Year six!!

I had no idea that when I married Mr. Clayton six years ago that being Mrs. Clayton was going to be so unlike anything I had ever known or even imagined. Day after day I get to wake up knowing he is right beside me, loving me, supporting me, and adoring me. He makes me laugh, think, cry, and want to work hard for us and our family!! His hard working, gentle, Godly spirit makes life a joy! I love knowing that God brought us across many miles and through various trials to each other. A friend of ours once said "You guys are just alike." Yes we are and what is so great is that neither one of us has to pretend to be something we ar'nt. We really do love each other and want to be together for six more years and six more after that and so on!!! I praise God for all his blessings, but mostly for US!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Grandma's Treasures!!!

 I had no idea that it could be this awesome!!

An Amazing Child

We have been so blessed to have Ashlynne in our home. A few months ago our lives changed yet again as Ashlynne came back to live with us. God gave us the opportunity to become the family we have all longed for. We prayed so much to have this little girl in our lives on a permanent basis, to be able to show her love, acceptance, guidance, and the love of Christ. And now our prayers have been answered! And not just because she is here but that we are a family. She is showing us all those things and more. She is a straight A student, she is clean and neat, she is fun, artistic and a good cook, she brings life to our house, and she shows lots of patience with us old people. Watching her grow into a young woman and become all that she can be brings us so much joy. I hope and pray that we can continue to be the parents she needs to continue on her special journey into womanhood!!  

So This Is What Its Come To!

            The other day as I was working the maintanence man said to me as he was leaving "Well Im gonna go and let you do your magic." So I got to thinking-my magic-yea, thats it. That is so right!! I love what I do and I love working my magic!! Most people would hate doing what I do because it is a dirty hard job!! But thats what I love about it! I walk into a place that needs a lot of help and walk out leaving it shining!! No not always can I make each place look new and sometimes its hard to make it look nice, but I always try to make it look and feel the cleanest I can. As I am working I am thinking about how if I had to move into the home I am cleaning would it seem clean. If I had to sit in that tub would I be able to enjoy a bath? If I had to put my dishes in the cupboard would I have to clean it first or could I just place my dishes in there worry free. Would I feel safe using the dishwasher or the washer or dryer? I like knowing whoever moves in will know it was clean! 
     I have also found a way to be of service to God as I work. Most of the time while I am cleaning I sence either the people who have lived there previously or the the ones that will be moving in. I dont mean that I have any sort of supper power or anything. I just mean I have a feeling about who lived there and what kind of person might have to move in next. Sometimes I see evidence of happiness, fun times, hard working, lazy, babies, kids, older people, people that cook a lot or dont, people that smoke or drink, some have nice things and some dont, and some totally dont care. So as I am cleaning I will talk to God and pray for the home and who has or will live there. Not always but when the sences hit me I do take it to God. No I dont claim to be a saint or anything but I do want to do the best I can and I want to use what I do for God. I have been blessed with the opportunity to do what I love and I just want to show my appreciation to the One who gave it to me!!! 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Makin Memories Of Us!!!

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life...She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
I have truly never know a woman who reflect this image of a woman until now-I am in awe to know she is my daughter!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Filling My Cup

     Yesterday after church service was over our class discussed "fear" and how we are effected by it and how we can try to overcome it. That is not a word I would regularly use in my life. I am a strong, get it done kind of person who usually finds some way to get past any dilemma. So fear to me means weakness and no possible solutions.I have always felt there is a solution to every problem, maybe not always the one we want though.
     So this idea of being afraid interested me and I have been rolling it around in my mind to really get a grip on it. What I found it seems is that the likely hood of me being afraid is not only probable but accurate. When I am in the trenches of life I find myself focused on the issue at hand and not really focusing on my feelings. This is where I think the fear is pushed aside and the will to press on takes over.
     Our discussion went in the direction of how to realize the fears we feel and how to turn them over to God. Nice concept,yes, but how? Then a woman who I never really met until yesterday said something that really does make this feel attainable. She said something similar to this- "its kinda like imagining a cup that is full of fear, anxiety, doubt, sorrow or anything else that we tend to dwell on. Then imagine putting things like reading the Bible, praying, doing good deeds for others, attending church, hanging out with Christians into that cup and watching all the bad spill out. She said we need to fill the cup so there is no more room for the junk we dont need. 
     So with that thought in mind I will be learning in this wonderful season of my life to fill my cup with really important things and just sit back and watch the "dumb stuff" flow out!!! And my prayer is that I can help others fill or refill theirs!!!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Fall Season is a Tme of Reaping Rewards!!!

It is so funny how life can change!! We are so blessed with the life that God has given us!! Our children are either on their own or becoming more independent and making choices that we not only respect but also support. It isnt always easy being a parent and even harder being a step parent. So when it becomes a time that you can sit back and watch and guide and pray for rather than be in constant watch over your children it makes life so much more enjoyable!! I love hearing about Aaron our son and his band, Amanda and her persistence in her jobs, Ashton and the amazing way he has mastered Albertsons as a checker, Ashlynne and her mature thoughts of real life situations, Joyce and Trevor in their choices about a home, family, children and the love of God. My heart just sings for them and the new paths we all are seeking and what adventures that are in store for all of us!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oh, To be Mindful Of This Everyday!!!

"In the spiritual world (as in the material) there is no empty space. As self, fears, and worries depart, it follows that joy, peace, and hope rush in."
As days and nights go by I pray that I will be always replacing the empty spaces with the good that is in the world and that God has blessed us with!! I look around my life and see my wonderful husband, our six kids (that includes an awesome son-in-law), grand children, our beautiful home, church, friends and freedom. Although it seems so very little to so many, I really do not wish for much more. At this stage in my life I can say that I can enjoy it all.   

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I learned to be Gods beautiful daughter years ago but some times life puts on baggage and wrinkles and scars that I cant always hide from the world. I know in my heart that I am what God made me and I love so many things about myself, but some of the ways God made me to be are not the most popular. But I will continue to press on and try to be true to myself and to God!!!